Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sweet Summer

    The weather is warming up and trying my patience! I'm anxiously awaiting the warmth of summer. :) I think many (if not most) of my fondest memories have been during the summer months enjoying the sunny rays, warm rains, hot beaches, and cool water. What's NOT to like? 

    I think my favorite memories include the times that I laid out on the Del Mar beach sands after a good hour of boogie boarding. I would run quickly out of the water, tip-toeing quickly and painfully through the sun-baked sand to my warm towel. The initial two minutes were usually cold as the water on my body slowly beaded off onto the towel. I would shiver as I laid there, closing my eyes tight to shut out the blaring sun in my face. Then I would lay there and just soak in the heat. The shivers would subside and I would slowly and completely relax. It was as if I was an ice cube fresh from the sea melting into my towel. Ahhh.... It was glorious! My breathing would slow down, and many times, I would fall right asleep. 

    Over half of my life has been spent within minutes of a beach. I don't plan to change that if I can control it. Utah doesn't offer much in the way of I'm thinking the sooner we can leave, the better!

    We do have season passes to Seven Peaks Water Park. We bought them last year and thoroughly enjoyed the cool waters and a place to soak. We typically go after a seemingly long day of work (the gorgeous weather tempts us everyday!) and stay for the evening hours. Families at the park usually bring their little ones earlier in the day and like clock-work, most of them leave between 4:30 and 5:00 to prepare dinner that night. 

    A bonus this year has been that we use the passes in the off-season for other things: unlimited putt-putt golf, laser tagging, and batting cage privileges at Trafalga. Our date nights have been very cheap recently, as we frequent the Orem Trafalga and see who can win-out at mini golf. (Trent has won the past two games, but I've never been far behind!) 

    This summer will be Trent's last in summer least until Physician Assistant school begins.  We have a lot of things to look forward to, despite our very busy schedule. A trip to Lake Powell, Island Park, and possibly a river run are in store. Something that makes our summers unique is that we work hard and play hard: We go to school full-time from May-August, usually work around 15-20 hours a week each and we play as often as opportunity arises. BRING IT ON!

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