Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Half Marathon!

Last Christmas, my sister Kristen and I were talking about our goals for 2012. It was discovered that we both wanted to run a half marathon. I'm not a runner, and up to that point, hadn't hit a gym or done a cardio workout in over two years. (A bit embarrassing to admit, as I am an Exercise Science major.) This would be Kristen's second half-marathon and my first. Oh goody!!

 Fast forward 5 months....

May 5 was a perfect day for running.  At 7 a.m., the start down the canyon was freezing, but as we ran on, things quickly warmed up! Here are some pictures from the race. And yes, I pirated some of the running pictures off the Provo City Marathon website. 
Starting line: South Fork Park, Provo Canyon
The trail was just gorgeous! Running alongside a river filled with ducks and fish complete with a backdrop of spring waterfalls doesn't get much better. Loved it.
Mile 9. Still going! I have a painful expression on my face; My hamstring was KILLING. Strangely, it hurt more to walk than run. It slowed my pace quite a bit, but thankfully the leg healed after the race.
Kristen and Michael finishing the race with me :)

 The back of my tank top read: 

You should do the things you think you cannot do.
                                                                -  Eleanor Roosevelt

13.1 miles...mission accomplished! It was an early birthday gift to myself; I turned 27 two days later. 


  1. congrats, that's awesome! I've always wanted to run a marathon and that looks so wonderful running through the canyon - how pretty! Well done Ashley!!

  2. Thank you!! It was a huge accomplishment for me since I really hate running! :) I would highly recommend the Provo City Marathon; the trail is incredible.
