I just realized I never put up a post about our most exciting news! WE ARE PREGNANT! Things have been a whirlwind around here. Since the last post Trent has taken the MCAT, applied for Medical Schools, supported me through my first trimester and I've been sick for much of the time while growing a baby inside of me.
Early on in my pregnancy, I kept a bit of a journal on the things I was experiencing and how I was feeling.
Disclaimer: I hated the first trimester, so it doesn't make for very "happy" reading, but since this is a way to document our life, I figure it's appropriate. Below is my first entry:
Pregnancy: Week 9, day 2 (approximately May 28th, 2013)
Some days I just can't get enough sleep. Take today, for instance. I slept for 12 hours last night. I've been awake for maybe 2, and I'm already stretching out on the couch for another nap. How is this even possible?! Because of the sea-sickness feeling and the lack of energy, I haven't exercised in almost two months. When I have to go up stairs, I am winded. I never thought I could be so weak and out of shape.
I have the strangest food aversions. Something that sounded good to me an hour ago, now makes my stomach turn if I smell or look at it. Cooking is most difficult as it requires two things: on-your-feet energy and an exposure to different, offensive smells. I haven't eaten meat in probably three weeks. I can't stand the texture, taste, or smell of it. In fact, one day, Trent made chicken on the grill and I asked him to eat it in a different room because I couldn't handle the smokey BBQ smell. (Who am I...?) I buy things that sound good to me in large quantities and then after eating it once, the food is left to sit in the fridge until it is thrown out. I've wasted more food than I care to admit. The only constant things of the last few weeks are watermelon, apple juice, apples and bread. I can stomach all of those pretty well. The apple juice thing is rather strange since I don't usually enjoy juice at all.
**Funny food news: I've consumed an entire gallon sized container of juice in the last week and a half. My teeth are probably starting to rot.
Toothbrushing is pretty much out of the question these days. I am sad to say that I usually resort to my mouth wash in the mornings so that I don't have to go through the toothbrush-induced gag. I shudder when I think about the taste of toothpaste now. It's
Poor Trent has had to eat out for the past month. I'm
sure he is so sick of fast food. He doesn't complain. I don't know what we would do without him. This last weekend (Memorial Day) we spent the entire weekend at home. He was able to get out and ride dirt bikes and attend a dinner party, so at least he was able to get out and have fun a couple of times. He went to the same fast food chain TWICE yesterday after finding that I was able to stomach it so well. He cleaned the entire house, did all of the dishes, and washed and folded all of the laundry. He's completely amazing. I don't know how I would get through things without such a supportive husband. When I tell him that I'm sincerely sorry I am not able to make dinner, he just says, "It's fine, love. I can take care of you."
Best husband EVER.