Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Trimester Part 1

Continuing on with my journals from the first trimester....

Pregnancy: Week 10, day 3 (June 5, 2013)

This is the third time since telling my supervisor I was pregnant that I've had to call in sick. [oooh boy, if I had known that was only the start!!] I've been sick since my birthday [May 7] and it's just not letting up. It's not just the nausea that gets me so down; it's the absolute exhaustion. I cannot sleep at night and every morning I'm just dragging. Sometimes at work, it is all I can do to stop myself from slumping on the desk and taking a nap. I read somewhere that lack of sleep exacerbates symptoms. Oh goody. What a perfect storm.

On a side note: I feel really badly for this baby's due date. I mean, it's going to be sometime around Christmas. Everyone I know who has a December birthday hates it. I think I'll hate it, too, along with our daughter/son!! Trent and I have already discussed the idea of doing half birthdays in July. That would be cool. :)

**Current food obsession: Del Taco's Crunchy Taco Deluxe ... I usually get three of them. ;)

Just some of my many cravings.....

Pregnancy: Week 12, Day 3 (June 19, 2013)

Why does it seem that halfway through my weeks, I crash? It's the strangest thing. I think work has something to do with it. I would take a few naps every day except for the fact that I work for 5 hours. I am also not sleeping at night.

Even worse is that I  have developed restless legs. I can't even come close to falling asleep without my legs jerking and me thrashing them all around to get the jitters out. Thrashing never helps, but it's like scratching an itch: It's a temporary fix that puts your mind at ease. Somehow in the delirium of sleep and frustration (where you just want to cry it out!), I find a few hours of sleep.

 It's usually like this: Go to bed at 11 and find yourself awake at 12, 2, 4, 5 and 7 am. Somewhere around 7:30 I crash and don't wake up again until 10:00, thankfully. Some days I wake up around 10:40 and then I have to rush to get ready for work. That's a comical thing: Getting ready for my day takes forever!! I literally spend most of my morning worrying about what to eat and what I think might sound good. Somewhere in there, I'll take a cat nap on the couch because just getting out of bed wears me out, apparently.

**Most recent food obsession: macaroni & cheese and Wendy's baked potatoes. Yep, keeping it nutritious over here. This is definitely the most I've enjoyed junk food in my LIFE.**

We recently told Trent's extended family about the addition to our family. Half of them already knew because it leaked out, while another few found out through reading a Mother's Day card my MIL left out at her house. She forgot it had the bit of news in it.  We have yet to tell my (smaller) extended family the news. It's coming soon :)

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